Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Hectic Week

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, for blessing us this beautiful life, and salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

It's been a while since my last post. Ah, cliche tak cliche, sukatilah. hehee~

Actually, i faced a lot of complicated problems during these past few days. Every day for this week, I went to various places to complete my visa application. I gather enough documents, including the long-awaited financial statement from my financial sponsorship for the process. My friends were hectic, and some of the were worried as the date for the registration day at each respective universities is coming nearer, as the visa application has to be put on hold. 

Issue regarding incomplete document needed by the immigration agency is making our head goes in spinning, as the CAS statement, financial statement, ATAS certificate and other documents are yet to be received by some of us. Not to forget, the shocking news of sudden change in our program coordinator without our acknowledgement, making the processing harder, as the inexperienced officer is nowhere near concern.

My advice are, expect less, and remain calm. Don't make yourself really comfortable, but please stay up-to-date to friends discussion and ask around. I remain calm as I knew, this problems were faced by several of my friends, studying abroad, and I believe, there's always a way through. Though many things were happened, alhamdulillah I managed to submit my form, along with the relevant documents. Huge amount of money was invested in paying the process, and I believed Allah will never make it burn to waste. Insya-Allah.

It is less than 3 weeks until our registration date, we hope we managed to arrive on time. Insya-Allah.

"what doesn't kill you make you stronger, so endure it till bitter end."

Now, I'm too lazy to move as every bone in my body is hurting, especially the legs, I will use the remaining time at home to relax and rest, for the coming semester. Insya-Allah I'll start packing my bags once I received the visa. Pray for me please~ :)

Illaliqa'. Wassalam. Have a fun and productive public holiday readers. Chow2... :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ramadhan gone, Syawal Came. Aidilfitri 1433H.

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, the Ruler of the world, and salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

30 days of ramadhan, past without a doubt,
Aidilfitri came to take place, a day of rahmah,
for us Muslims, after such battle, war against lust and desire,
ramadhan is a tarbiyah medium for those who wanted to change,
and be a success for those who managed. :)

There this feeling, recite deep inside my heart,
telling me, "what if this is my last ramadhan?"
chills went down my spine,
and tears began flooding my eyes.

As august speeding itself, for september getting ready,
some voice kept telling me, "this might be the last syawal with your family, enjoy it,"
getting to the fact, that in a month time, I will further my study abroad,
away from my culture, my neighborhood, and my family,
though our bonding is not that strong,
but they are the best family I can pray to born in.

I have to be strong, for the future. Insya-Allah.

Oh hey, I don't mean to create a sad atmosphere, it's a festive season guys, chill out.

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin guys. :)

May God ease my future, give strength for me to hold on to the promised jannah. I hope Mara & Brunel can process my application faster and smoother.

Insya-Allah. :)

Illaliqa'. Wassalam.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hubungan dengan Allah..

Assalamualaikum, dengan nama Allah, yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang,
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam, salawah kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

First and foremost, i would like to share a little bit about a motivational talk during my school years. Obviously, bila kita nak exam besar ni, mesti banyak la kan ceramah2 motivasi pihak sekolah adakan, and here is one of them. 

Saya pasti manusia sekarang mempunyai handphone. Daripada budak sekolah rendah hinggalah datuk nenek kat kampung, mesti adalah. Persoalannya, bagi handphone ni la kan, what's the most important thing for it to be function? Keypad? Screen? On-off button? Nah, the line. Yep, line, yang korang dok terjah bila nak call orang tu.

Ok, untuk memastikan phone korang ni berfungsi, line ni mesti la ade kan? so, camane dengan manusia? apa yang penting? Kerjasama? Tettttt!!! Line juga, tapi line apa? line dengan Tuhan yakni bagi kita Allah. Kalau line kita dengan Allah itu clear, baik, smooth dan sewaktu dengannya, insya-Allah semua yang kita buat akan mendapat baraqah dan naungan Ilahi. Bukan senang woo nak dapat line dengan Allah, orang yang terpilih je tau. Tapi, nak tahu tak, Allah ni Maha Penyayang. 

"He who has Allah, has everything."

Moderator tu bertanya kepada student, pernah tak benda yang kita idam2kan, tiba2 terjadi dengan sendirinya. Misalanya perempuan la kan, selalu ingat nak baju raya baru tapi tak ada pitih, then tup2 ayah bawak pergi boutique beli baju raya lip lap tanpa anda minta pun. Well, Allah kan Maha Mendengar, mesti bersyukur gila kan?

Ada juga certain2 time, masa saya di asrama, mengidam gila kat donut Big Apple, tapi tak mengandung la. Saya tak cakap pun kat sapa2 untuk dalam sebulan, tahan tu mengidam tu, then time balik bermalam, jeng jeng jeng, ade 6 donut Big Apple dalam peti ais. Wah, gila magik!

Lagi satu berlaku beberapa hari lepas, time nak cari makanan kat bazar ramadhan. Saya dalam dilema nak beli pulut panggang atau roti jala. Memandangkan pulut panggang tak dijumpai, roti jala je dibedalnya. Then when my mom got home, she brought me pulut panggang, magik sekali lagi! wah!

That's it. The power of the link. Between a servant and Allah. Even the one we don't request verbally, Allah always knew. See how gracious He is. Even we done a lot of mistakes, He is willing to accept us, our repent, our taubah. Allah sangat sweet kan?

"And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth with humility, and when the ignorant address them, the say, "Peace!"" (25:63)

Salah satu cara, untuk kita mendapatkan Allah's mercy, adalah dengan mengamalkan ayat di atas. Jadilah orang yang humble di muka bumi ini. :)

"Mungkin saja amalnya (orang itu) yang sikit diterima Allah, dan mungkin saja amal kita (diri sendiri) yang berdozen2 tu tidak dipandang Allah."

p/s: dah lama mengidam nak makan nasi lemak utk sahur... alhamdulillah esok mama prepare... :)

Illaliqa'. Wassalam. :)
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