Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bring out the Hero in You...

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, the Supreme Ruler of the World, and Salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

I'm very sure we had been through hard times. Either in terms of financial disaster, supressed workload, lonely accumulate and stuff, we had been there. It's a lie, if we never been there even at once. Suprisingly, we managed to survive the wall, or stronghold of disaster, which kept emerging from nowhere, just to take us down, to degrade us to earth. Let's walk back our memory lane for a moment, that hard time, we wished we never even done this and that, and some of us even wished we never born to this so-called unfair and cruel world.

"Verily, We have created man into toil and struggle. Thinks he, that none has power over him? He may say (boastfully): 'Wealth have I squandered in abundance!' Thinks he that none beholds him?"

But this ayat doesn't end here,

"Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue, and a pair of lips? And shown him the two highways? But he has made no haste on the path that is steep. And what will explain to you the path that is steep?"


Eventhough you are at your lowest, there are always people who much more unfortunate than you are. Orphans, homeless, dying patients, and the list goes on. We will be unsatisfied for what we have, because we are humans. That's because we usually look up for those who are wealthy. Let's take this moment, to shift your head, to look upon those who below you, those less fortunate people than you are. That way, we will be more grateful. Watch this video. It will take a while, but the message are outstanding.

saw this one from my friend's post. people nowadays can be so mean. T_T

I always met those beggars, who doesn't has enough money to eat much less place to stay. I did what I capable of, to my strength extends. We sometimes can be a hero, be it giving food for homeless, donate the unfortunate poor kids for education, research for cancer cause and many more. Though our effort is small, but we do work for a change, hope for the best and changed their future.

Let us be an unsung hero, rather than doing nothing and just watch. Our effort is seen by Allah, and count for later on.

"O Allah, for everything I did, make me humble, and bring my small effort a big change, as I hope to create a better future."

I hope want to be a hero without any costume. :)

Illaliqa'. Wassalam.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Travelog Winter 2012: Espana Viaje...

Assalamualaikum, dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani,
Segala Puji bagi-Nya, Tuhan Sekalian Alam, dan junjungan besar buat Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Alhamdulillah, masih diberi kekuatan untuk menulis. Setelah sekian lamanya menyepi dek kemalasan+assingment yg berlonggok2+bz bz bz. Sebelum terlambat (memang dah terlambat pun), sy ingin mengucapkan selamat tahun baru 2013. Heh.

Ok, sebenarnye berita ni dah basi (bak kate mek ah). Tapi still nak update gak, sebab takde cerita lain dah. haha. Cuti winter tahun lepas, sy telah menerbangkan diri ke Spain, tempat di mana suatu masa dulu pernah dijajah, dan menjadi penjajah. Tempat yang cantik, serta meriah dek perayaan tahun baru dan three wise man.

Tempat yang dijajah oleh saya adalah Barcelona, Granada, Cordoba, Sevilla dan Malaga. Alhamdulillah, awek2 di sana tempat2nya sangat cantik. Haha. Di Barcelona, terdapat bangunan2 unik yang dibina oleh Gaudi. Gaudi ni seorang architect terkenal waktu zaman 90-an. Dia bina bangunan berdasarkan pemerhatiannya pada alam semula jadi. Bentuk daun, siput, dan sebagainya. Antara hasil binaan beliau adalah Sagrada Familia. :)

sagrada familia dijangka dalam proses penaik tarafan sehingga 20-30 tahun lagi. Tapi, still dibuka untuk tourism.

magic fountain show, yang hanya ada pada hujung minggu.

Di granada, selatan sepanyol, terdapat La al-Hambra. Tempatnya sangat2 la cantik, terletak di atas bukit. Pemandangan nan indah memukau mata, melihat seluruh pelusuk granada dari atas. Tempat ni tempat feveret pelancong, yang datang dari jauh. Di bersebelahan al-Hambra, terdapat perkampungan arab, tempat paling tua di granada. Malangnya kami tidak sempat untuk berkunjung ke sana. :(

drpd atas puncak.

Di Cordoba, tempat yang dikatakan tapak naungan Islam suatu masa dahulu. Di sana, ada La Mezquita, di mana pernah dijadikan gereja, kemudian masjid setelah kedatangan Islam dan ditukar kpd gereja setelah penawanan Cordoba. Alhamdulillah, mimbar masjid masih dikekalkan dan terdapat ukiran ayat2 suci al-Quran pada dindingnya.

mimbar masjid La Mezquita.

Al-Cazar de los Christianos, antara tempat feymes dan lawa di sini. Masya-Allah. :)

Sevilla, tempat yang sangat happening. Meriah, orang ramai berpesta di sana-sini. pelbagai persembahan di tepi2an jalan, yang menarik perhatian untuk menderma. Pelbagai cara2 manusia untuk mencari wang, tidak terhad hanya di pejabat dan kilang semata. 

plaza espanas. seperti istana, tegak berdiri megah.

Akhirnya, di Malaga. Erm, tak banyak benda di sini, tapi muzeum berlambak. Bagi peminat2 sejarah, boleh la luangkan masa di sini. Malaga juga antara bandar2 besar di selatan sepanyol, banyak international flight mendarat di sini. ok, dah tak ada idea nak elaborate ape, churros anybody?

ha, ni breakfast feveret kitorang. churros dengan coklat pekat. churros ni bentuknya macam cakoi kat malaysia, tapi cicah dengan coklat. sedapnya yang amat, tak dapat di mana2. hehe. kalo kat malaysia roti canai pagi2, spain makan churros.

well, that's it. not really much of a talk, you can visit the album on fb. don't forget to click 'like'. haha. promote habis. insya-Allah trip lepas ni tak tau lagi di mana. Harap2 tempat yang dapat ibrah dan barakah drpd Allah. Berjalan bukan sahaja utk melepaskan stress, tapi untuk menimba ilmu dan pengajaran. Sekian.

Trimas. Assalamualaikum.

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