Friday, December 6, 2013

Healing wound

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Him, the Creator of this beautiful world, and Salawah upon the Last Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

How do we want the wound to heal, if we don't stop the bleeding?

Same with human,

How do we want to improve ourselves, if we don't stop the sinning?

Think and ponder. Clock's ticking. Our lives are short, but more than enough.

Why? Because He created us. He knows what we don't.

get up this instance. you'll know how awesome you'll be when you are closer to The Creator. Away from the smelly sins.

Illaliqa. Wassalam.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mati itu pasti.

Assalamualaikum, dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang.
Segala puji bagu Allah. Dan salawat ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Sesungguhnya kematian itu datang tak mengira umur. Adakah amalan kita sudah cukup untuk menghadap Yang Esa?

"Hei orang muda! Jangan ingat matimu tua. Kelak lalai dibuai nikmat dunia.

Hei orang tua! Jangan fikir kau tak mati2. Umur panjang itu satu ujian yang sangat berat."

Perginya seseorang dalam hidup kita itu juga satu peringatan buat kita.

Impianku mahu syahid. Biarlah jika pemergianku tidak diiringi beratus2 manusia, asalkan yang mengiringiku ke liang lahad ialah seribu malaikat.

Illaliqa'. Wassalam.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

New term, new friends, new atmosphere, new challenges. Don't give up just yet.

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
All praise to Him, the Supreme Ruler of the world. And Salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Alhamdulillah, it's been a month since I landed myself back in London. Still this heart lingering for the souls in Malaysia, and the atmosphere. I myself reluctant to go back here, however, the fight must go on.

Year 3, final year for my bachelor engineering course, a year where you will busy with hectic dissertation or final year project. The subjects are getting tougher and tougher and the assignments are like having a bullet in your head. Ah, nevermind, my head is bulletproof. Haha. I will survive somehow. Insya-Allah.

This year, I stayed with new friends of mine, whom my former malaysian classmates, in the same hall, Galbraith Hall. Do request for address if you need to send me gifts. :p
We cooked, chatted, and helped each others out and spent very good quality time together. I will appreciate and commemorate this year that Allah bestowed upon me despite the challenges that come.

An evening at Greenwich. :)

'may Allah grant these awesome people everlasting loves and happiness and I pray for the best and hidayah upon these great souls.'

Two of my friends are staying outside at the moment, and sometimes I wish to turn back the time to appreciate those who help me those years. Quarelling, laughing and covering each others back was a good memories. Ah, people come and go. I only can pray for the best to both of them.

Sometimes I feel at lost. Asking myself, what are the purposes I came back here after few months of summer holiday. When I'm at the edge of line, I pray to Allah, to make my heart firm, after those tests, backstabbing, treacherous, and fight, so that I won't let myself indulge in darkness. 

A few days ago, somebody committed suicide by jumping from a building in Brunel University. The person, a biomedical student, was reported suffering unbearable stress and decided to jump off 7th floor of Bishop complex. How that reminded us, that keeping in line with The Creator is the best way to handle emotions. You can read the news here. 

I would like to ask you guys to thank Allah for the lifes we've given for today. We might not be able to wake up tomorrow, so be grateful for those breath we inhaled.
Don't give up yet, you might encounter a new treasure ahead. :)

And remember to enjoy your life. So, that you won't regret it.

Illaliqa'. Wassalam. May Allah bless you all. :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

No Title


Andai Tuhan menetapkan kacak itu adalah keredhaan-Nya, maka berdosalah aku tanpa kemaafan.

Jika syurga itu kuncinya adalah paras rupa, maka tempatku adalah neraka buat seumur hidup.

Kerna aku tidak kacak, mahupun handsome.

Yang pasti, aku tidak perlu berupa paras menawan untuk menjadi segak di hadapan Sang Rabb.

Si Dia Maha Adil, tidak mementingkan apa2 yang tidak kekal. Apa di dalam hati itu lebih lantang bersuara bagi-Nya.

Aku pasti, si penghuni syurga itu semuanya hensem2 & cantik2 belaka. Sentiasa muda, muda dengan nikmat limpahan Ilahi.

Kuncinya taqwa. Kerna yang didamba di sebalik pintu bermangga itu adalah kehidupan kekal abadi.

Illaliqa. Wassalam.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ramadhan Throwback.

Assalamualaikum, dengan nama Allah, yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang,
Segala Puji bagi Allah, Tuhan Sekalian Alam, dan Salawat ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

The month of Ramadhan is the month in which Quran was revealed: a guide for people, the most authoritative of all guidance and a criteria to discern right from wrong. (2:185)

Aku masih ingat, terawikh ku di alor setar. Hari minggu, 8 rakaat sudah siap dilaksanakan. Di surau yang kecil itu. Pertama kali solat di situ. Aku menantikan solat witir daripada imam. Atau mereka yang mahu berundur daripada barisan solat 20 rakaat.

Mata aku berat. Aku mahu pulang ke kamar.

Tiada siapa berganjak daripada saf. Semua sedia berbaris untuk lagi 12 rakaat. Aku terkesima, betapa pak cik cecahan umur lebih separuh abad, tegar seperti tiada apa2, tetap dalam saf. Aku lihat beberapa orang budak2, lingkungan 5-7 tahun, juga meneruskan perjuangan 20 rakaat.

Mereka tegas berdiri seperti askar yang siap sedia berjuang. Tiada apa yang bakal merobohkan niat untuk beribadah malam itu. Nanges. Malu.

Aku malu. Kerna aku yang usia muda, terhuyung-hayang meneruskan ibadah. Lagi sikit jatuh tertidur. Diikutkan badan, mahu saja cabut, tetapi aku gagahkan jua. Tak mahu kalah kepada adik2 tadika. Sangat malu kepada Sang Pencipta.

Peristiwa ini berulang 2 malam.

Begitulah pengalaman terawikh ku di Alor Setar. Alhamdulillah. :)

Semoga kita mendapat baraqah dalam ramadhan kali ini. Ceyy.. :D

Illaliqa. Wassalam.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Friends Forever

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, the Supreme Ruler of the World, and salawah upon the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

"When you didn't see each other for a really long while, you tend to appreciate it. The longer it goes, the higher the value."

"It is said that time is a remedy, for wound to heal, for anger to cease, for love to blossom."


Illaliqa'. Wassalam. :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vlog Winter 2012: Espana Viaje (The Video)

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, the Almighty, and salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Hey, check out my new travelog. A bit late huh? Haha, but please enjoy. :)

Illaliqa. Wassalam. :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Travelog Summer 2013: Voyage en Paris.

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful,
All praise upon Him, the Supreme Ruler of the world, and salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

It's really been a while, since this lousy blog was updated.
I've been busy for the past few weeks.
Ah, tak sempat nak ambil nafas.

My exams started in late of april, and continue for 3 weeks.
7 papers, comprised of the whole year of syllabus.
Compact, stress, unstable. Blend mixed of 3 unequal characteristics which come to destroy you.
But alhamdulillah I survived. :)

Pray for me. :D

A few days after exams, I blasted off to Paris, with my aunt and uncle.
Many people said I'm so lucky.
Yeah I am, because they (my aunt and uncle) treat me for this trip.
Alhamudulillah. Rezeki yang tak putus2. :)

I don't plan to prolong this post, but I would like to put some personal opinions to the trip i went to.
Personally, i believed paris is a lot similar to london.
In terms of compactness of people and the high building.
But, in arts, Paris has a lot more to offer.
Great paintings, crafting, and historical site.

However, this parisien doesn't like to speak in english.
They pretend don't speak, or naturally can't speak it.
It's hard though to converse with them, as some of them will throw away sour face when you speak in english.
But, not all of them act that way.
There're still people react nicer towards english speaking tourist. :)

"Be nice to people, hence people will act nicer to you."

I also noticed that there are quite few communities of muslim in Paris.
Halal food can be found, though not as easy as london.
But still, that saves my tummy though.
There is an arab university in Paris.
Really unexpected. Haha.

What i noticed in european country so far, they have people who works as a street entertainer.
They choose not to be a beggar instead.
I know a beggar is not that despicable, but doing something with your own strength,
to earn everyday money is more respectable.
Even becoming a roadside musician.

"Some people know that the sustenance, fortune will come upon those who works."

Though the weather at the moment of our time in paris is very very depressing.
Rain and windy, cold and wet.
But we managed to watch few qualifications of Roland Garros.
The French Open for tennis.
Which for me is very2 priceless.
I can't described the feelings i had when we watched the match.
Exciting. Enough said.

Let the video be the talking then. :D
Malas nak taip lagi. Haha.

"O Allah, thanks so much for these blessing. Seeing the beautiful world of Yours is the nikmat which You blessed me to. Increased my iman, so that the heaven of Yours will be the perfect end for me. For You I seek blessing, and for You i seek protection."

"Remember when your Lord said to you, 'If you give thanks, I shall give you greater (favours), but if you deny the Truth, know that my retribution is severe"


Illaliqa'. Wassalam. :D

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Travelog: Aistear d'Eireann

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, Supreme Ruler of the world, and salawah upon the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

warning: this holiday of mine is very long and compact with words. those who dare to take up the challenge may do so at your own risk. :P

I love holiday, especially after a long series of academic week, where students were bombarded with lots of bomb-like classes and assignment-nuke. My holiday began with my friend from Belfast, who I haven't met for more than half a year, decided to spend few days of her school break in London. It was 5 days of excitement where we chatted and shared opinions about various things, besides touring the europe's famous city. Eventhough it was quite tiring to go almost every single places in the city in 5 days, but having a good old friend in companion, evaporated all those fatigue. It was worth it. Thanks and please come again will you. :)

Then, i went to Manchester, to meet my big cool ex-schoolmate, Ghazali. He's studying economic and finance in University of Manchester. Despite of his fever, he used every bit of strength possess, to show me around Manchester, especially my favourite place, Old Trafford Theatre of Dreams. It was fun to go the museum and stadium tour as it really worth it and acquire good view. alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Him for giving me this chance. :)

Theatre of Dreams

After that, my friend and I took a flight to Dublin. We stayed at my friend's friend's house, where a luxury and warm place secured our night. Wie, Moja, Syed, Syamim, and many more. They welcome and treat us with various fabulous delicious meal. We also spent the nights with horror movies which suprisingly able to make some of us scream. Haha. Not very manly I supposed. :P I met very awesome friends over here. They are studying medicine in University of Dublin. Also, I met my former 4 years ex-classmate, a semashurian, Afif Ismail. It was great to play rugby with you guys. :D

While staying in Dublin, we went to St. Stephen's Park, located in the city. The flowers over there are very beautiful and heart-warming. Besides, we went to Glendalough. It was very beautiful scenary and extra-ordinary calmful. The lake and nature, really peaceful, far away from the busyness of London. We stopped at Arklow to see Irelands oldest weaving mill. Great experience I got over there in dublin. 

St. Stephen Green's Park

On the way to Glendalough

Then, we went to Cork. Cork is located at the south of dublin, having 3 hours of journey by bus. Over there, I met my beloved ex-schoolmate as well, Hijaz. He was delighted to greet us. We started our tour de cork, by going to the university and park around the student accomodation. The university is very nice and accessible by walking. I had a few good pictures of beautiful flowers around cork as well.  On our first night, we had our dinner and usrah. The content was very good and it's not really stressful as some person claimed. We had a santai group discussion and sharing knowledge. The usrah was led by my acquaintance, Amirul Asyrof, aka Bopek, joined with Emir and Ijam. I also met ammar and Hijaz's roommate.

Garden in UCC

The next day, Hijaz brought us to Kinsale, a town by the sea. The town too, aren't busy compared to UK, which is good for city getaway. We walked to some fort by the sea, and to our suprised, we got free for entrance as it is the first wednesday of the month. Great timing. We spent our afternoon enjoying the awesome scenery which hardly found in London. Oh yeah, our tour guide was Aiman, who came here several times. Thanks Aiman for the free tour. :)

relaxing moments. may this ukhuwah stay till jannah. :)

My next stop is Belfast, back to the part of UK. 6 hours journey really worthed it as I met my former classmates, Arif, Fikri and Anis. We had a great dinner that night. The very next morning, Arif lent me a bicycle to round a few part of Belfast. We also spend about 3 hours to climb a hill, Cave Hill which might be over 500 m above sea level. The view was great and the experience and sweat really worth it. Thanks Arif for showing me around Belfast. Then, we went to my friend's house for usrah. There, I met my former BTN groupmate, Hafiz Tarmizi. We joined the usrah and got really good food. Over here, I met a few doctors to be, such as 'Afif, Luqman, Boiler, Abbas & lain2. Engineers and doctors in the house. Cool. :P

Big Ben Belfast

Dinner in Thai Tanic

Queen's University of Belfast.

Cave Hill, Belfast.

On my last day in Ireland, I take a flight back from Dublin to Manchester. Then, I spend my next day with Syed Hilmi, before I went to Leeds, to meet few of my friends over there, Syahin and Asyraf. At leeds, I met my TDP batchmate, before they board the train to Sheffield. That night, we celebrate Amirah's birthday at Nandos. I met Afif again, Zuhdi and Akmal. We played FIFA until late night and spent the next day wondering around Leeds. Thanks Afif, for being a great driver, Zuhdi & Syahin for sending me to train station.

It was an awesome moment to spend time with future doctors & engineers, as well as accountant. Ghazali, thanks so much for spending your holiday with me, and withstand my sillyness. I know I annoyed you for stealing your bed, and thanks again for the tour. :D

Wie, Moja, Syamim, Syed, thanks for all your kindness and hospitality. It was fun to watch horror movie together. The ikan keli was very delicious, after few months of not eating it. :D

Hijaz, Emir, Ijam, Ammar, Bopek, Aiman thanks for welcoming us in Cork. I really enjoyed the moments spent with all of you. The food was great as well, and sorry for disturbing your time Hijaz, I know we troubled you a lot. Sorry2.

Arif, Hafiz, Luqman, 'Afif, Boiler, Abbas, Zaim, thanks for the usrah and food. Was having great time at your house. Thanks for the hospitality given. I really appreciate it.

Syahin, Acap, Afif, Zuhdi, Akmal, thanks for the tour de leeds. And the ride as well. Good fifa match, I'll come again to play. Insya-Allah. 

"All intimate friends on that day will become each others enemies except for the pious"


I would like to express the gratitude to Allah, and those beloved friends of mine, whether I just met and known them since forever. In God Will, we'll meet again some other time. If you guys ever come to London, please give me a call. I would be delighted to meet you guys. :)

" Say (Muhammad), tell them to travel in the land and see what happened to those rejected the Truth" 


Illaliqa'. Wassalam.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How Friendship Breaks?

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds,
and peace and prayer be upon the Final Prophet Muhammad PBUH.


Both Friends Will Think The Other Is Busy

And Will Not Contact

Thinking It May Be Disturbing...
As Time Passes

Both Will Think

Let The Other Contact
After That Each Will Think
Why I Should Contact First?

Here Your Love Will Be Converted To Hate

Finally Without Contact
The Memory Becomes Weak

They Forget Each Other

So Keep In Touch With All

And Pass This Message To All Your Friends

I Don't Want To Be One of This Kind

So, Here I Am Sending Mail To Everyone

Just To Say


I Am Fine
Please Keep In Touch

Have A Nice Day. :)

"Believers are each other's brothers. Restore peace among your brothers. Have fear of God so that perhaps you will receive mercy."


"O Allah, surely You are the One who fills us with lots of loves, towards family and friends. I hereby beg You, my only Lord, to maintain this pure and sweet warm feelings among us, so that we will not forget and mock each other. Upon You I leave my love ones and bless us in what we are doing whatsoever."

Illaliqa. Waalaikumussalam
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