Saturday, February 25, 2012

Coretan Seorang Pendamba Secebis Kasih Ilahi

Assalamualaikum, dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani,

Ketika hati ini berlari, menjauhkan diri  dari realiti,

memejam mata, adakah ini mimpi? rekaan minda separa sedar,

lahir daripada hajat tak kesampaian,

permainan perasaan juga senjata syaitan,

 membuatkanku berfikir, hanyut atau tidak?

jatuh atau berdiri, di hadapan telaga kekecewaan,

frust, despair and sorrow,

sakit bukan kepalang, bagai dicucuk dengan seribu satu picagari,

jauh lebih sakit daripada sebatan si ustaz, tika bersekolah agama dahulu,

kekalahan suatu yang hakiki, walaupun kejayaan yang dihajati,

bukannya semua berlaku mengikut kehendak kita,

"I've lost the fight, but I won most of myself." 

Mungkin kali ini aku tewas,

tewas kerana keengganan aku melepaskan apa yang aku inginkan,

terasa down disaat air mata mengalir, menatap takdir absolute Ilahi,

no one can say no to His divine judgement,

"mencintai tidak semestinya memiliki."

pepatah yang acap kali kudengar, yang sering kali diungkapkan,

melalui sound2 wave yang berlegar2 di alam fesbuk, dan juga mulut2 manusia,

ditangkap oleh telinga, diproses oleh gegendang dan dianalisa oleh otak,

benarkah begitu? tiada pilihan lain? mestikah semuanya sama tiap kali ini terjadi?


"Ciptaan memukau Pencipta Agung hanya diketahui oleh mereka yang benar2 bersyukur."

Tak sangka betapa kitaran masa boleh memukau,

mengalahkan aku, merundum jatuh hingga sukar berdiri,

dek kerana tarikan graviti, aku akur menyembah bumi, tersembam,

 memikirkan apa yang patut aku lakukan seterusnya,

patutkah aku berdegil? patutkah aku menyerah?

"Losing yourself is far more harder to cure than losing someone"

tika itu,

terdetik satu sudut, menarik aku, agar tetap berpaksi pada-Nya,

Ya, itulah Islam, agama para Nabi,

disempurnakan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, penutup segala Nabi,

mengajar kita apa ertinya iktikad dalam hati,

untuk sentiasa mengesakan Sang Ilahi
"Reda itu Ikhlas, Pasrah itu Menyerah."

manusia, lumrahnya cintakan Ilahi, bergantung pada-Nya,

tidak kiralah ketika senang mahupun susah,

Dialah tempat berpaut, the one and only,

 kerana Dialah yang Maha Memperkenankan hajat.

"Dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat serta pertolongan Allah, Sesungguhnya tidak berputus asa dari rahmat dan pertolongan Allah itu melainkan kaum yang kafir." (12:87)

ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku hina, muliakanlah aku,

ya Rabbi sesungguhnya aku bodoh, pandaikanlah aku,

ya Ilahi, sesungguhnya aku lalai, cekapkanlah aku,

ya Khalik, sesungguhnya aku pelupa, ingatkanlah aku,

ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berdosa, ampunilah aku,

terimalah taubat hamba berdosa,

ku akui kelemahan diri, ku insafi kekurangan ini, ku kesali kejahilan ini. ;)

"apologizing does not necessarily means you are wrong and the other are right, but it means you are valuing your relationship than your ego."

[2:153]  alhamdulillah... :)
p/s: sila bangun berdiri kembali wahai diri ini... Illaliqa'. Wassalam. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah for His air, for His blessing, or else, we'll never be alive today. And thousands thanks to Allah for giving us the chance to pursue our ambitions, either in educations or working, abroad or local.

"(Jinn and manking) - which of the favors of your Lord do you deny?" (ar-Rahman)

Yesterday, my friends and I went to KLIA to send a friend of ours, who is pursuing her degree in Auckland, NZ. Mixed air of sad and joy arouse around us, as she left us and proceed to the international gate departure. Seriously, she was a great friend, a humble servant of Allah and a hardworking student. Sorry, I can't describe you enough, you are so good in many ways. The list will go on and on, like infinity without me even realising it. Masya-Allah, how fortunate you are. Yeah, she is one of my best friend in high school. :)

"May Allah keep you in track my friend. Your journey will be a great motivational for us. Insya-Allah."

Eventhough  in this era, people kept bragging they have high education qualifications, positioning a stable occupation, but it is really necessary to left out the responsibility in learning the wisdom of religion. Oh maybe you said, it's fardhu kifayah, where some part of society can learn other part of knowledge and the others cover the rest. But it's not really a green light for you to neglect what you suppose to know, if you are aiming to have a better hereafter. Subhanallah, don't place your Istidraj on us Ya Allah.

"I'm an engineer, I fix problems, not to stick on it."

Actually, I'm somewhat busy at the moment. With lectures every day and test coming soon, not to forget about bounty of assignments. Also, the lecturer occupied us with two projects in which engineers need to solve, with all the knowledge learnt to be applied. Amirah, Hisham, and Azhan let us build the outstanding projects that enough to make Sir Adnan's jaw fell to the ground seven feet under the ground. Hehehe. Insya-Allah. Let us do our best for this final semester, and aim high for the sake of Islam. Pray constant my friends. :)

maybe like this. :P

"Your Lord has said, "Pray to Me for I shall answer you prayers. Those who are too proud to worship Me will soon go to hell in disgrace." (40:60)

Oh yeah, I met friends from my former college, Didi, Gab, and Hani. Nice to meet you all by the way. :)
when the time comes. Insya-Allah. ;)
"O Allah, motivate me through this occasion, for I'm longed and jealous of their success. Be with me like You do with them. Please don't ever let me fall into the darkness of despair and sorrow. And never allow me to stain my iman as I'm Your weak and lowest riffraff servant."

my prayer, what's yours?

Illaliqa'. Wassalam. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Beauty of Engineering.

Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

In a lap of time, it's been one month already since I stepped into my second semester. Bunch of holidays proceed to take places into the calendar, telling me to roll on my bed perceive once more the bless of free time, which human always forget and never gratitude to The Almighty for His planning. Alhamdulillah. 

"Two great pleasure that most people ignored are health and leisure." (Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)

 Learning engineering is one thing, to grasp the whole idea of what is being learnt is way too hard. Sometimes, it was taught on the surface but whenever the examination time, it was compiled with an accumulation of highly fundamental technical applications questions in which a quite obtuse engineer must gather up his/her thought to the highest level of thinking in order to score the paper. Same goes to any other study field. Well, of course some people said that learning is not all about for exams. Pffft, on what purpose you entered the university if you never considered to pass in the first place?

this is how we failed the exams the exams failed us. :P

"You learn more about yourself when you failed."

While procastinating surfing the internet, I found this video on Youtube, where it simply demonstrated the osem awesomeness of mechanical engineering. Please be jealous of what we came up with the most reliable creation ever in history, the car. :)

amazing isn't it? why marry a car when you can marry an engineer. shut up! haha.

In Islam, we don't approve dating before marriage, but you know that all the points are utterly implicit true! wahaha! :P

Well, I found out that Fluid Mechanics is a great subject as I learnt how to demonstrate my knowledge, and put it into applications. And what's more, it is a necessary to make a lot of assumption in engineering field where accurate data is simply ignored and approximate figures need to be calculated. Peace to engineering. :)

"Allah is the Greatest Engineer of this magnificent universe. I want to walk along His Holy path. Masya-Allah. :)"


I've been dreaming to design my own aeroplane, for piloting is my deepest interest, and due to financial problem, I need to somehow reconsider my ambition. Insya-Allah when the day I finally able to ride my own aircraft, I'll be sure to tell you. Pray for me. :)

"O Allah, bless me with Your knowledge, please keep me in circle of humble and honour for Your cause, and barrier me from the radius of istidraj, and grant me success in life and hereafter, for I know You are The Master of The Impossible."

my prayer, what's yours?

Thanks for reading. Illaliqa'. Wassalam. :)
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