Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Him, the Ruler of the World, and Salawah upon the Last Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
I went to Amsterdam. The bus from London leave at night and expected to arrive early morning at Amsterdam Bus Station.
In the bus, I met this Muslim Nigerian guy, Jamal was his name. He works in London but used to live in Netherlands. He wanted to go home due to an unsolved matter.
Jamal talked about Netherlands, the hardship he faced while being in the country and a lot of things. When he heard I was travelling alone, he became very worried.
He treated me sandwiches on the ferry while waiting to cross the English Channel. He gave me a lot of advises and tips to travel in Amsterdam, though I've researched enough.
While the bus continuing the journey in Belgium, there was drunken men on the bus, fighting, swearing and shouting. I never expected the night journey will be disturbed and most of the exhausted passengers can't slept that night.
Upon arriving at the bus station, Jamal wanted to lend me his travel card because he is afraid I'm gonna lost. I refused the offer and convinced him. He is very kind to help a stranger on the middle of nowhere.
How is he nowadays? I hope he is doing fine. And may Allah bestowed the best sustenance to him.
"O Allah, I wish every person I met during my life to be given the best benefits in their life. Please protect them whenever they are and please let us meet again in future. For You are the Most Giving and Most Acceptance."
Illaliqa'. Wassalam.

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