All praise to Allah, the Supreme Ruler of the World, and salawat upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Every time I finished a good book, I felt like most part of me lost, evaporated, and there was me sitting, filled with undivided emptiness.
It's been a while since I last opened an academic book, the holiday got me occupied with lots of activities. Alhamdulillah, I managed to complete a few books although some of them quite boring and need a little more twist to bend my interest-hunger. Haha. Lets recap what have I read so far for 2012.
1. Sherlock Holmes Part 1 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Imam Hanbali by Abdul Latip Talib
3. Saad Abu Waqas by Abdul Latip Talib
4. Biografi Muhammad Bin Abdullah
5. Mustafa Kamal Attartuk by Abdul Latip Talib
6. Agenda Yahudi Menakluk Dunia by Sabaruddin Hussein
7. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer
8. Contengan Jalanan by Hlovate
All of these are awesome books which you can read to fill in your long bored holiday. It was better to have books in company if there was no one to keep you occupied. Hahaha.
now, I'm bored with le internet. Hahaha
waiting for the finale of Breaking Dawn. hihihi.
Well, of course, I read al-Quran everyday, because it is my special book and will always be my guidance to become a better muslim, not to forget a great mukmin. And also it is the love letter given by Allah for us to take baraqah and to gain knowledge from it. Isn't it great? True indeed. Insya-Allah. :)
Daripada Abu Umamah al-Bahili r.a., katanya dia mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Bacalah al-Quran kerana dia akan datang memberikan syafaat kepada pembacanya pada hari kiamat nanti. Bacalah Zahrawain, iaitu surah al-Baqarah dan Ali-Imran, kerana kedua-duanya akan datang pada hari kiamat nanti seperti dua kumpulan awan menaungi pembacanya atau seperti dua kelompok burung yang sedang terbang dalam matlamat hendak membela pembacanya. Bacalah al-Baqarah kerana dengan membacanya beroleh berkat manakala dengan tidak membacanya beroleh penyesalan dan pembacanya tidak dapat dikuasai (dikalahkan oleh tukang-tukang sihir)." (HR Muslim)
lets us finish the Kalamullah in the in-coming Ramadhan al-Mubarak. Insya-Allah. :)
Ilaliqa'. Waalaikumussalam. :)
p/s: i think i need a tumblr.. lol.. ;p
p/s: i think i need a tumblr.. lol.. ;p
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