Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
Time flew away, places changed, people changed. To improvise, or to stay the same. We are living in this era, where survival of the fittest is implemented, and the weaks, please survive fellow humans, turn to Allah, before it's too late. :)

Come on, don't be silly, most of us spent the time by doing nothing. Does your holiday resembles something like the pic on the right? Hahaha.
Dear assignments, I always believe in the fate of God. :)
Ok back to the typing, I want this holiday to be somewhat different than my any other holidays, despite my last vacation to Sydney and Kyushu, that are unforgettable. :D what I want to do for the whole week is to improve myself, both mental and faith.
1. Trust.
In malay we called it amanah. Why I must improve this one? That's because if you try to weigh the whole matter of this universe, you can't simply compete with the weight of amanah. In Islam, we take amanah seriously because it's what was entrusted upon you. Once you snapped the chain of trust, it's hard to repair by itself. Trust me. Yeah, it's not impossible but it's freaking hard.
It's not only applicable to business and trade, but to every extend principle of life. From friendship to religion. In Islam, we have to ensure our trust to Allah, because one wise man has said,
and even Rasulullah (PBUH) has said:
"Tidak sempurna iman bagi orang yang tidak beramanah dan tidak sempurna agama bagi orang yang tidak menepati janji” (Riwayat Ahmad).
Subhanallah, I want to be amanah to my religion. I'll try my best to deepen my knowledge in Islam and practically apply it in my daily life. And also, I'm trying to guard my interaction between friends especially from the opposite gender to ensure we don't exceed the limit Allah has given us to. Insya-Allah.
"My lust forces me to look at the group of beautiful sexy women, but my iman teaches me to lower my gaze and my conscious mind ask me dearly to favour those who are wearing hijjab. And indeed I find them soothen my heart to melt."
Masya-Allah, I need to improvise myself more. You want to join? You are more than welcome to come. Let's be a good muslim like Islam teaches us to. :)
This post will continue. Insya-Allah.
"O Allah, don't let me change myself due to Your beautiful creations, keep me at Your length and supervise me during my hijrah, for I desire to change because of You, and I dreamed to place myself with the people of Heaven."
my prayers, what's yours?
Credits to my friend for waking me up from my deep sorrow dream. Improve yourself, ibadah because of Allah, not for the sake of others, she said. This is what triggered me to make a post like this. May Allah bless your soul in Alex. :)
Illaliqa. Wassalam. :)
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