Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Buat Si A

Assalamualaikum, dengan nama Allah, yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang,
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam, selawat kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Kepada A,

Sesungguhnya apa yang saya sampaikan ini sudah lama terbuku di hati ini, dan saya harap anda membacanya dengan hati sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah.


Jika saya katakan anda tidak cantik, maka saya telah menipu diri anda, dan juga seluruh dunia. Kerana andalah wanita paling cantik & tinggi budi pekerti pernah saya temui. Dan jika saya katakan saya tiada perasaan kepada anda walau secebis zarah, maka saya telah menipu diri sendiri, anda dan juga seluruh cakerawala. Kerana diri ini tidak dapat menahan pesona persismu dan hati ini hanya mampu menyimpan perasaan dan sanggup berdiam seribu bahasa daripada meluahkannya kepadamu.


Namamu sering menjadi bual bicaraku bersama Tuhanku. Nama yang senantiasa dibaca dalam doaku, agar sentiasa diberi pelindung dan sentiasa berada dalam rahmat-Nya. Hanya Allah yang tahu bagaimana berombak hati ini jika perihal dirimu dapatku tahu.

Wahai A,

Kerana kecantikanmu, agamamu, kasih-sayang pada keluarga dan sahabatmu, imanmu terhadap Tuhanmu dan Rasul-Nya, saya tertarik kepada diri anda yg seindah bidadari terindah bak mawar berduri. Kerana kemuliaanmu, aku menjadi kecut, gentar, takut untuk menyampaikan hasratku kepadamu. Aku hanyalah insan biasa, hina dan kedana. Tidak layak untuk memiliki dirimu yang seperti intan permata di dalam bekas kaca. Aku hanyalah seperti pengemis jalanan yang melihat ke dalam bekas kaca itu.


Sementara ini, aku dapat doakan yang terbaik buat dirimu dan kerabatmu. Semoga perasaan ini dapat menjadi penyunting semangat untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Sang Pencipta. Aku juga doakan agar dikau berjaya dunia dan akhirat serta menjadi insan, umat, hamba, ibu dan isteri yang dirahmati Allah. Semoga kita dapat bertemu di lain waktu. Insya-Allah. Illaliqa'. Wassalam.

Sin Cera,
South Bay, Scarborough,
North Yorkshire, England.

"One of the greatest test of faith is when things didn't turn out the way you wished for, but you still believe in His plan and say alhamdulillah."

P/s: Harap kepada sesiapa yang namanya bermula daripada A, seperti Athirah, Aqilah dan sebagainya, atau Aiman, Amirul mohon jangan terpanggil.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pre-Spring 2014: Inspiring Much Portsmouth & Brighton

Assalamualaikum, in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful,
All praise to Him, the Supreme Ruler of the World, and Salawah upon the Last Messenger Muhammad PBUH.

I went to Portsmouth, south of England, to visit a company which involved in navy army, BAE system. Despite gained a lot of useful knowledge and experiences, I got new friends as well. Yeay. The Portsmouth harbour was beautiful and the outlet sells a lot of clothing. I'm sure will come here again. Hehe.

The next day, I decided to go to Brighton. The plan was last minute and I went alone. As soon as I got to the beach I lay down myself, admiring the scenery that unfolds before me. It's been a while since I last saw beach and I've been hoping to see one, thank Allah for giving me this rare opportunity a success. Alhamdulillah. I prayed on the pebble beach, and feeling gratitude to Allah for this splendid moment. The beach was very cold but the sun was very bright as well, mixing the air with warm winter blowing through my face. I laid myself on my back, staring to the sea, beach and sky, hardly imagine my last minute plan was awesome. Despite the chill winter weather, I spent about 2 hours for the beautiful view. Alhamdulillah.

On the 2 hours journey back to London, I met this old woman, Jane. She is 70 years old and still studying. She's doing her pHd on Shakespeare, wrote an introduction of 15000 words and this gave me a lot of insight. Study never has age limit! She told me that she can't spend her time without doing anything. She always need to do something or else she'll get bored. She went swimming, attending lectures and loves keeping her house tidy. She went to Brighton to visit her daughter. She rarely cooked but she used to know how to make Nasi Goreng. Yeah, she even said nasi goreng in Malay. We exchanged recipe on how to make nasi goreng and I share to her the locations of several Malaysian restaurant in Paddington and Chinatown. For 2 hours, I felt the conversation was inspiring and I never got bored. She sparked something inside me, motivate me to become better, filling my time wisely. She offered me a slice of cake which I finished it as I was very hungry (I only fill my tummy with oreos for lunch). I hope to see her again. Insya-Allah. May Allah bless her and guide her towards the Truth.

Jane and her shakespeare notes. She never knew anything about rice cooker, so I suggest her one.

'Life is never too old to learn something new eh?'

Later that night, I went to Faizal Tahir's performance, a charitable event for Syria, as a persuasion from syafiq, my awesome flatmate. It was good and met few of my friends. Also alhamdulillah for this opportunity.

I think that was all my weekend was well spent. Awesome friends, great moments and irreplacable blessing from Allah. Syukur. How was yours?

Illaliqa'. Wassalam. :)

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