Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
All praise to Allah, the Almighty, and salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Hey, check out my new travelog. A bit late huh? Haha, but please enjoy. :)
Assalamualaikum, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful,
All praise upon Him, the Supreme Ruler of the world, and salawah upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
It's really been a while, since this lousy blog was updated.
I've been busy for the past few weeks.
Ah, tak sempat nak ambil nafas.
My exams started in late of april, and continue for 3 weeks.
7 papers, comprised of the whole year of syllabus.
Compact, stress, unstable. Blend mixed of 3 unequal characteristics which come to destroy you.
But alhamdulillah I survived. :)
Pray for me. :D
A few days after exams, I blasted off to Paris, with my aunt and uncle.
Many people said I'm so lucky.
Yeah I am, because they (my aunt and uncle) treat me for this trip.
Alhamudulillah. Rezeki yang tak putus2. :)
I don't plan to prolong this post, but I would like to put some personal opinions to the trip i went to.
Personally, i believed paris is a lot similar to london.
In terms of compactness of people and the high building.
But, in arts, Paris has a lot more to offer.
Great paintings, crafting, and historical site.
However, this parisien doesn't like to speak in english.
They pretend don't speak, or naturally can't speak it.
It's hard though to converse with them, as some of them will throw away sour face when you speak in english.
But, not all of them act that way.
There're still people react nicer towards english speaking tourist. :)
"Be nice to people, hence people will act nicer to you."
I also noticed that there are quite few communities of muslim in Paris.
Halal food can be found, though not as easy as london.
But still, that saves my tummy though.
There is an arab university in Paris.
Really unexpected. Haha.
What i noticed in european country so far, they have people who works as a street entertainer.
They choose not to be a beggar instead.
I know a beggar is not that despicable, but doing something with your own strength,
to earn everyday money is more respectable.
Even becoming a roadside musician.
"Some people know that the sustenance, fortune will come upon those who works."
Though the weather at the moment of our time in paris is very very depressing.
Rain and windy, cold and wet.
But we managed to watch few qualifications of Roland Garros.
The French Open for tennis.
Which for me is very2 priceless.
I can't described the feelings i had when we watched the match.
Exciting. Enough said.
Let the video be the talking then. :D
Malas nak taip lagi. Haha.
"O Allah, thanks so much for these blessing. Seeing the beautiful world of Yours is the nikmat which You blessed me to. Increased my iman, so that the heaven of Yours will be the perfect end for me. For You I seek blessing, and for You i seek protection."
"Remember when your Lord said to you, 'If you give thanks, I shall give you greater (favours), but if you deny the Truth, know that my retribution is severe"